Friday, September 30, 2005

Recommended Links at Toronto's Anarchist Free University

The URL for this site is

Anarchist Free University, Toronto:

Anarchist, Radical Organizations & People

* Collective Book. An on-going project about decision-making in collectives, anarchist ways of organizing and much else.
* Discussion of Consensus Decision-Making
* Negative dynamics when people work collectively - Resources on Non-authoritarian Communication Models - from ( A master like Sun Tzu might win an unresolvable dispute about violence at a tactics meeting if he was to read The Parable of the Sheep to the ladies ).
A good template for a freeskool to manage facilitatores:, and is also reprinted at AFU:
Free Skool Santa Cruz -> Forums -> Class News - has a GOOD LIST OF FREE SCHOOLS.
* Communication Rights in the Information Society. Activists respond to the World Summit on the Information Society, December 2003
* Crimethinc. A new generation of creative and imaginative anarchists. Live your dreams! ::
* Media Democracy Day. 17 October 2003
* Reclaim the Streets. For a report on the Toronto festival 26 September 2003
* Stop Huntington Animal Cruelty (SHAC). An on-going campaign against animal testing by Huntington Life Sciences.
* Animal Liberation Front (ALF): ::
* Earth Liberation Front (ELF) - - In the past,individuals have committed arson and other illegal acts under the ELF name. Individuals who choose to do actions under the banner of E.L.F. do so only driven by their personal conscience.
* Save the Newchurch Guinea Pigs (SNGP): - CLOSE DOWN NEWCHURCH GUINEA PIG FARM -- covered by Doug Saunders, Globe and Mail Aug 30 2004, titled: "Animal protesters turn village into a living hell for one family". Saunders's article is a tried and true must read tactics tutorial and a recycleable template for all protestors: - The article may also still be posted at MEDIA DEMOCRACY, so click on 'Solutions' in the MENU on the left of the page at SNGP update Nov 2005: THE TRIUMPH
* W.A.R. Win Animal Rights: Animal Rights tactics: - Best Links. "WANTED WARRIORS": - War is currently seeking recruits who are willing to undertake a fast paced intensive learning and training program for hunt sabotage techniques. Our primary theater of action will be the New Jersey Black Bear Hunt, which was announced today, will take place from December 5 - 10, 2005.
* Portland indymedia - Animal Rights tactics - - Write your own news. Don't hate the media -- become the media.
* Seven ways to stop the war in Iraq: Everyone in AFU may not necessarily support the seven ways because it sucks if a heroic eco-saviour Green-thinking B. Bloc balaclava gets caught and put in a zoo.
One of the SEVEN WAYS is large scale urban rioting :: More on large scale urban rioting
* GREEN ANARCHY an anti-civilization journal of theory & action. [revamped and expanding] - "Enjoy the site, but don't hang around too long -- the 'real thing' is never on-line."
* Insurgent Desire - The Online Green Anarchy Archive - - Loads of new essays uploaded to the site. Including enlarged Feral Faun and John Zerzan sections, a Fredy Perlman archive, new stuff in the Misc section and additions to the Species Traitor archive.
New 2005 section: Post-left Anarchy section. If you are involved with a green anarchist/primitivist or insurrectionist zine or journal and you would like some of the articles featured here then email me:
* John Zerzan (born 1943) is an American anarchist and primitivist philosopher and author. His works critique (agricultural) civilization as inherently oppressive, and advocates drawing upon the ways of life of prehistoric humans as an inspiration for what a free society should look like. Some of his criticism has extended as far as challenging domestication, language, symbolic thought (such as mathematics and art) and the concept of time. His four major books are Elements of Refusal (1988), Future Primitive (1994), Against Civilization: A Reader (1998) and Running on Emptiness (2002).
* Berkeley Anarchist Students of Theory And Research and Development (BASTARD) -
* Ward Churchill speaking at the Anarchist Bookfair in San Francisco on March 26, 2005 - :: Lynching Ward Chuchill - Another speech: The $327,000.00 chill at Colorado U chills Ward Churchill. October 01, 2005 -
* The BarringtonCollective, Berkeley - Parents, teachers and students could organize on the neighborhood level, demand charter status and form their own schools. Public schools are generally viewed as inefficient, test crazed and/or prison-like. Many believe that the public schools are administered by those in power with interests in providing just enough educational resources to prevent rebellion. The Barrington Collective sees such centralized institutions as alienating and destructive of community and culture. Wherever possible, we support the creation of decentralized, autonomous organizations networked horizontally rather than hierarchically. -
* PR Watch's Managing Activism: A Guide to Dealing with Activists and Pressure Groups. Managing Activism: PR Advice for "Neutralizing" Democracy by collaborating to devide.
* INDYMEDIA's Ontario News with it's International counterparts - ::
* OPIRG Provincial Home - - The membership of OPIRG Provincial is comprised of eleven autonomous, non-profit, university student-funded and directed organizations that conduct research, education, and action on social and environmental justice issues. For more information, contact any local chapter.
* Quebec Indymedia: Centre for media alternatives (CMAQ) -
* Centre for Research on Globalization: University of Ottawa prof. Michel Chossudovsky.
* GNN guerilla news network -
* Toronto's Robin Hood Collective -
* Toronto Anarchist Bookfair - (annual, coming soon) - - Contact: - Please prepare early as this year additional workshops may also be held on the day after the Bookfair. Hopefully this year's workshops will be serial instead of overlapping so one can attend every one. Last year's (2004) DAY TWO Bookfair workshops were held at a different address and included American anarchist guests. Book early aimimg to get space in DAY ONE, taking advantage of having a larger class from the built-in casual visitors who originally came only to buy books and look around.

Allies of (anti-civilization) Neo-primitive Anarchist Organizations

* Post-left anarchy:
Post-left anarchy is a recent current in anarchist thought that seeks to distance itself from the traditional left and to escape the confines of ideology in general. It has rapidly developed since the fall of the Soviet Union, which many view as the death of authoritarian leftism.
o 1 Arguments
o 2 Conflicts with Authoritarian Leftism
o 3 Proponents and Detractors
o 4 See also: Left anarchism, Nihilism, Post-structuralism, Situationists
o 5 External links: Anarchy After Leftism (, Primitivist and post-left 'anarchism' (

* More anti-civilization books:
o - 46 anti-civilization book reviews plus many essays and articles

* Our comrades at .................................... - appear to be anti-primitive. A quote from their front page says: "A-Infos’ work is not inspired by egoistic and egocentric individualism, primitivism, ..." Why would A-Infos hate anti-civilization groups? You can't drink the water; you can't eat the junk food and you can't breathe the air. Is Mother Nature to be replaced by "speciesism", "human Supremacists"? Animals' brains ARE more intelligent than human deviants. Over populating humans who are hogging and polluting all animal habitat are rendering the planet useless so Mother Nature has begun using Her bio weapons of mass destruction against mankind. These WMD - micro-organisms and prions using bird and animal vectors can slow down some of the continuing extinctions of Mother Earth's lifeforms by culling human sprawl if it's not too late.
Thousands of years ago Hindu scriptures wisely revealed that the smarter animals were demonstrating superior intelligence. Hinduism ( and it's offshoot Buddhism have been embraced by intellectuals in the West for fifty years, and both (in theory) obey Mother Nature. For details on superior animal intelligence, read postings by godhas4legs at:

Adversaries of (anti-civilization) Neo-primitive Anarchist Organizations
( C H A O S: screaming blowback, perpetual cycles of disinformation and spin to rewrite history )

* The Canadian Council for Israel and Jewish Advocacy (CIJA): by Toronto's York University Social science professor David Noble. - With $millions, this new enormously powerful Israel lobby in Canada finances right wing advisors to work on the students' minds, by its organized rendering of truth at all major Canadian university campuses. How it all started: They are currently lobbying our Ottawa senators for restrictions on our freedom to dissent: B'nai Brith at the Sept 26, 2005 Senate hearings on the Canadian Anti-terrorism Act legislation. Senator Raynell Andreychuk said that she was surprised by the National President of the Canadian Jewish Congress (CJC) Ed Morgan's call for National profiling. Senator Serge Joyal was also concerned about this slippery slope, and it looked like fear-mongering.
:: York U: Professor David Noble is accused of "targeting Jewish members of the York community." by Stephen Hui, thevarsity.
:: U of Ottawa: Professor Michel Chossudovsky accused of hosting anti-Semitic website - Pro-Israeli Corporate Media Attacks Global Research -
:: Ottawa U: - September 22, 2005 - Appeal for information: Ottawa U's attempt to shut down Activism Course We’re appealing for more information on initial reports that last night Dr. Detillier the Ottawa U Dean of Science personally appeared in a classroom to shut down a course in activism given by Physics professor Dr. Denis Rancourt. -- Apparently the popular course has been the talk of the campus in the few short weeks it has been offered; if you were one of students present last night during the attempted high-level intervention Uwatch would love to hear from you. Please use the comment function below this story, and we also ask that you follow-up with an email to editor(at) so the comment doesn’t get caught in our spam-sweeper.
:: CHRISTIAN FUNDAMENTALISTS for Empire and RICH ZIONIST Bush advisors for Empire: Media Monitors Network: "Gazans finally win, but their tormentors get all the attention" by Greg Felton
:: Academic Freedom Ain't What It Used to Be - PROSECUTING CAMPUS THOUGHTCRIMES: from SourceWatch, PR Watch's collaborative online encyclopedia of the people, issues and groups shaping public opinion and public policy.
* Anti-Defamation League ....................................
* Anti-Defamation League .................................... Jewish Institute for National Security Affairs training programs for US Military
* Department of Homeland Security and FBI ..........
o Stepping Up the Attack on Green Activists. A coordinated campaign by conservative lawmakers and the FBI aims to label environmental protests the newest form of terrorism.
* Tech Central Station (TCS) ................................
* Animal Rights hero Jerry Vlasak is trashed..........
* ACCURACY in MEDIA [the truth?, trust me]........
* CTV's GlobalWest is the spawn of Israel Asper ... SociopathicHunters kill bears Watch the tourist industry's imported hunters slaughter wildlife weekly on Global National: "Canada in the Rough"
* Right wing funders and think tanks .....................
* Bush/Wolfowitz 1991 Template to Rig Elections ..
New World Order "Democratization" Template:
* TV Ontario. Why did Eric Margolis leave D.I. ? .... Diplomatiic Immunity's Eric Margolis Feb. 02,'04 - LIARS OR FOOLS? ...excerpt: "I even left twice weekly shows at TV Ontario — after nine years — after the station producers tried to censor my views on Iraq and kept prompting a pro-war, neo-con party line on TVO's programs."


* CollaboratorWatches the NGOs collaborating with the oppressive and funded by private interests or governed from the top down, carry "strings" -- limits in struggles, program, tactics and strategy. To think otherwise is self-delusive. To truly become an independent force, progressive NGO's must go to their roots, and win the allegiance of their people in order to become self-financing and live and work on voluntary donations from the people they purport to service. -- (exerpt from

WEBMASTERbators? - Influence pedlars? - Poverty-pimps? - Grantsmanship-gurus? -- To see the names of the collaborating groups, click here: CollaboratorWatches. This list of both self-serving hoarders and centres of control can only grow if you add your oppressor's name and address. Add his picture, if you want to take him all the way to the edge.

* SourceWatch, PR Watch's collaborative online encyclopedia of the people, issues and groups shaping public opinion and public policy.
o Academic Freedom Ain't What It Used to Be - PROSECUTING CAMPUS THOUGHTCRIMES.
o Managing Activism: A Guide to Dealing with Activists and Pressure Groups. Managing Activism: PR Advice for "Neutralizing" Democracy by collaborating to devide.

Members' Sites by Anarchist U -- Anti-civilization :: Collective General

* Anti-civilization - Unmoderated bare knuckle poop - - All anti-civilization committed members are welcome. Only members can read the archive. Members must be approved before joining - Email: and join up so that we can learn more about your valuable ideas, especially if it is hard for you to come to AnarchistU's monthly general meetings, and hopefully several of the Collective will respond to you out-of-town communicators. Also, is anyone in the UK listening? Also, are you Oregon and North Carolina anarchists going to write in with some burning topics, and why don't more of you Americans come to The Toronto Anarchist Bookfair this year and talk about "Every Night Is Earth Night".?
* Collective General? - There are no other of Anarchist U googlegroups listed here yet. There may not even be any proclaimed pro-civilization members at Anarchist U. Does "Variety of tactics" remind one of varieties of anarchists? The creation of a broad topics, tree-type conversation forum to enable anarchists in other countries to talk to us transparently, persistantly pops into the agenda of Anarchist U monthly meetings. Until the question of the forum is resolved by consensus it would seem to be innappropriate to start a googlegroup or Yahoogroup which simulates a broad topic conversation forum. Work-arounds like that, which would be used to defeat the consensus process are unfamliar to the mindset of an anarchist hive. ... A less effective but still valuable way for Anarchist U promoters to help promote the growth of Anarchist U would be to engage the world in debate independently at outside conversation forums such as read their FAQ An offsite intelligent discussion that a right winger subverts into a shit-throwing session could at least keep the flaming away from the Anarchist U website. .... (she/he said:)If I wasn't so busy watching Seinfeld reruns or strapping my blade, I would go there now to start a new topic and talk about a new way of the zillions of ways that anarchists can create the sort of anarchy and chaos that would cause sociopathic society to crumble.


Blogger Jim91 said...

Whoa, did I find some interesting stuff on the Federation of Metro Toronto Tenants Associations page.

Look what I found on their FMTA sells out tenants article

This is a story about how in 1986, the Federation of Metro Tenants Associations demanded from the Ontario Liberal government of David Peterson that they must chose 9 people to represent all tenants in Ontario, and how those tenant representatives sold us all out to the Liberals.

Two of those tenant representatives are now the lead "tenant stakeholders" the Dalton McGuinty government is talking with, Dan McIntyre, head of the Federation of Metro Tenants Associations, and Kathy Laird, Legal Director of the Advocacy Centre for Tenants Ontario. We hope to get the complete list soon, and how many of them went to work for the government shortly after selling out the tenants of Ontario.

The Chair of that Committee, Leslie Robinson is who is quoted extensively in this article was put in charge of picking the Board of Directors and setting up the structure of the Advocacy Centre for Tenants Ontario, and Kathy Laird as Legal Director.

The results of the Residential Rent Regulation Act of 1986 that they supported, were the largest rent increases in Ontario history, with many buildings recieving one year rent increases of 20%, with some reaching 30 and 40% in a single year.

Rent Reform's Elusive Accord

Tenant reps are endorsing the Liberals' new rent review law but the associations they hail from want nothng to do with it.

Now, December 11-17, 1986
by Jane Story

A year ago, housing minister Alvin Curling, formed an advisory committe made up of nine landlord and nine tenant representatives. After months of negotiations, an agreement was reached by both sides and the committee's recommendations were incorporated into a new version of the Residential Rent Regulation act, now Bill 51, passed by the legislature yesterday (Wednesday).

It's obvious that such consensus is political manna for a party that hopes to woo both financially powerful owners and vote-heavy renters. Curling calls it an "historic agreement." But Curling's political gain may be at the tenant movement's expense. It looks like the historic divide between landlord and tenant has shifted bearings for the moment into a rift between tenant organizations which have denounced the bill and some tenant organizers who have given their support.

Bill 51 replaces rent review legislation that limits landlords to annual rent hikes of 4 per cent. The previous legislation had long been considered unsatisfactory, both by tenants — because so many buildings were exempted — and by landlords and the construction industry who say the impairment of profit crushed the incentive to build new rental housing in a market that is increasingly desperate for it.

The most obvious change in the new legislation is the replacement of the flat 4 per cent ceiling with a complex formula that takes each landlord's costs into consideration. Curling calls it "the most responsive, constructive and sensitive system of rent review in North America." But Bill 51 is so complex that no one can confidently predict its exact impact. What is certain is that it will have a far reaching effect on all the basic housing issues — inclucing new building construction, the retention of existing rental housing, building maintenance and rental costs.

Not surprisingly, part of the battle centers around differing interpretations of the hypothetical impact of the new regulations. But the debate also touches on the deeper problem of devising strategy in a new political context. After 42 years of Tory closed-door politics, the new minority government's markedly consultative approach has raised new issues for grassroots organizing efforts. The current political scene makes concessions possible which were all but unattainable in the past, though it's clear that the Liberals will never stray too far from the business interests to which they are committed. The tenant movement is being forced to confront just where to draw the line between compromise and cooptation.

To both the Tories and the NDP, the minister pitched his bill as a landlord-tenant truce, and he warned the opposition against any changes that would disturb the delicate balance of interest that has been struck.

The NDP was unconvinced. Housing critic David Reville, the Riverdale MPP, proposed 60 amendments to the legislation and refutes the government's claim that a settlement between landlords and tenants has been reached.

Never consulted
"Basically, the people on the rent review advisory committee were appointed by the government. It is an agreement between nine tenant representatives and nine landlord representatives, but there is a bit of fast footwork in the terms of the description of these people as representatives," he says.

This sentiment is echoed by Bart Poesiat, a staffer at Parkdale Community Legal Clinic — long a leader in the area of tenant rights — though the chairperson of Curling's committee is Mary Hogan, who was the director of the Parkdale Community Legal Clinic when she agreed to sign on.

"The Parkdale Tenants' Association ws never consulted and never knew anything about the committee or even that the committee was being formed," says Poesiat.

"When the bill first came out, the Parkdale Tenants' Association called a meeting and a lot of tenants came out and a lot of questions were asked. It was obvious that the bill was taking money out of the pockets of tenants and transferring it into the pockets of landlords with the hope that they would then start building new housing."

It is certainly the government's contention that Bill 51 will "set the stage for a rebirth of investor interest in rental housing." But even Leslie Robinson, who sat on the tenants' side of the advisory committee, undercuts these expectations. If any new rental housing is created, she sees it happeing at the high end of the market, unaffordable for many tenants.

So why did Robinson, a respected tenant advocate and coordinator of the Federation of Metro Tenants' Associations for 12 years, agree to collaborate?

Robinson maintains that along with all the other tenant representatives, she was nominated by the federation, although it was understood that she would not be representing the federation or binding it to any accord.

The federation has since been very critical of the legislation and last month rallied tenants to protest its ascent. In a brief submitted to the legislative committee debating the bill, the federation contended that the new rent reforms will not end "the gouging that forces tenants to subsidize speculators" and will ultimately "make the rich richer and the poor poorer."

Robinson defends her position on the advisory committee, which she still holds.

"The report that I signed was a recommendation based on what I thought we could get out of the Liberals, not what I want to see ultimately. I can't say this is the best policy in the world or even that this is a fairly good policy, but given what the Liberal government was intending to do, this is what I think is the best we could get.

"I believed, and I still do, that we got more reforms and a better housing policy by participating in the process and signing the report than we would have got if we had pursued lobbying."

Included in Robinson's inventory of achievements is a commitment from the minister to build 3,000 non-profit housing units, a recommendation for security of tenure for roomers and boards, and Bill 11, passed last summer. Robinson argues that Bill 11, which prevents the demolition of existing housng or its conversion to high-priced condominiusm, would never have gone through if tenant reps on the advisory committee had not made support for Bill 51 conditional on the passing of Bill 11.

Robinson estimates that more than 10,000 units were saved in metro. Her critic scoff. They see Bill 11, effetive for only two years, as a weak law, already assured by the Liberal-NDP accord, and not worth the tradeoff.

Tenant groups are particularly opposed to the government's calculated rent guideline, a complex formula equalling 2 per cent plus two-thirds of a typical landlord's operating costs, which on average will increase rents by 5.2 per cent next year. Rents could go much higher since no ceiling has been put on increases.

More reforms
This arrangement is supposed to ensure good maintenance and tenant protection during periods of high inflation. But the metro tenants federation is skeptical. "Once all the weighing and averaging is over," the federation says, "the formula boils down to a very simple and unfair conclusion: pay the landlord for his cost increases and then pay 2 per cent of your rent more each year."

Robinson also sees the regulation as a concession to landlords that was necessary even though it weakens the bill from the tenant point of view.

"It was a concession to landlords who were saying, `If you want us to improve the maintenance, we have to increase our operating costs.' So we gave them the money but we didn't make any requirement for them to improve the maintenance. I expect some responsible landlords will improve their maintenance but irresponsible landlords will put that money in their pockets.

Bill's cost
"One per cent is to cover capital expenses and financial cost increases that the landlord would have endured rather than going to rent review. The extra one per cent is more profit for landlord. In my mind, it is the cost of Bill 11."

"In the last three or four years, I was hearing more tenants complain to me about the lack of supply and poor maintenance and the loss of housing through demolition than I was hearing tenants tell me the rent review guidelines are too high. I don't hear very many tenants say, `I can't pay an extra one per cent.' I hear a lot of people say, `I have no where to go and my buidlng is being torn down.'"

However, there are concerns with even modest rent increase because of the decline in the relative income of tenants. The federation points out that in 1983, tenants' incomes were more than 22 per cent lower than in 1971. According to Statistics Canada, almost one-fifth of tenants are already paying 40 per cent or more of their incomes in rent, while nearly one-third pay more than 30 per cent. The NDP estimates that tenants will have to fork up an extra $1.4 billion in rent over the next five years as a result of the new guidelines.

Another bone of contention for tenant groups is the new rent registry. "The problem with the rent registry is that it starts now," says Poesiat. "What we've always argued is that it should register rents going back to 1976, when rent review came into place. (Under the bill) if a tenant does prove that his rents are illegal and, say he has been paying rents for five years, he can only collect the excesd rents he has been paying since August 1985. This is like pardoning the landlord for committing crimes. It's an amnesty for landlords.

Landlord pardon
The advisory committee also recommended that registered rents be deemed legal if a landlord, who has not previously gone to rent review for an increase, can prove that if he had, the legal rent would now be close to what he is charging. This, too, amounts to a pardon, the committee admits.

The amnesty was a major demand of the landlords, says Robinson. "In deciding to give in to that demand, it seems that in making a tradeoff what we were talking about were lump sums of money on a fairly random basis. It's all dealing in the past, it's not going to bring rents down."

Extending rent control to properties built since 1975 is providing universal protection for tenants, the government claims. But critics don't consider this the case, since the registry exempts rooming and boarding housing, ostensibly because of administrative difficulties.

But the most controversial aspect of the new law is one which allows landlords an additional 2 per cent increase if their rates of return are less than 10 per cent or if the rent charged is deemed chronically depressed — more than 20 per cent below the going rate.

Robinson does not feel accountable for this provision, as it is the one aspect of the new law which the advisory committee did not recommend. The tenant representatives recognize that this provision to raise the lowest rent to market levels will erode affordable housing, particularly in Parkdale. Landlords did not recommend this provision either. They wanted more.

Though these disadvantaged landlords may prove difficult to distinguish, their tenants are more easily identified. A study commissioned by the advisory committee showed that over 40 per cent of tenants being charged depressed rents are paying 25 per cent or more of their incomes in rent. One quarter of these tenants are either retired or out of work. Critics predict hardship relief for landlords will mean economic eviction for tenants.

A scathing review of Bill 51 was prepared by the Tenant Umbrella Group, a committee of legal workers and lawyers which was formed to represent their clients at the hearings of the now defunct Thom Commission, the Conservative inquiry into rent review reforms."

The umbrella group challenges the Liberals' definition of chronically depressed rents, and questions the premise that market rents are desirable. They argue that fixing the price of accommodation at market levels assumes that market forces are in place — which they are not, as the present low vacancy rates indicate. They fear increase will bring affordable rents up to currenly illegal levels.

Scathing review
The relief clause also allows landlords to immediately raise their rents to the market rate if the unit becomes vacant or the tenant agrees to the increase. Reville foresees huge possibilities for coercion here.

"I see landlords forcing tenants to sign these agreements or getting them out just so they can fast track their units." Reville tried to have this section deleted.

Another consideration for the economic well-being of the landlrods is the clause to cover financial loss. The bill's critics say loss is incurred when properties are turned over for a fast buck — like the 1982 Cadillac Fairview deal. After that scam, a cap of 5 per cent spread over five years was put on claims for financial loss. Critics are concerned the erosion of this protection detected in Bill 51 will encourage speculation and building flips.

Robinson feels tenants should not have to pay for a landlord's financial losses, and says the tenant reps on the committee tried in vain to wipe out this provision.

One mistake
"We kept the 5 per cent but we didn't keep the five-year basis. In my mind, this is the one mistake we made and I think it will encourage the sale of more buildings. If there is one thing I wish the legislation would change, it is that."

Landlords have their reservations too about Bill 51, but say its is a step towards eliminating rent controls altogether.

Meanwhile, the advisory committee continues to meet, although at least three tenant representatives have since resigned from the tenant organizations they were initially affiliated with.

"By the time I quit (the federation)," says Robinson, "I was feeling I just couldn't keep wearing two hats. I realized what the differnece was. If you are an advisor to the minister, that's one thing and if you're representing tenants and saying, `This is the position tenants take,' that's another thing. I couldn't keep publicly clear what hat I was wearing."

"The question is, how is there going to be an assurance that the assigned representatives actually represent tenants. I think we represented them. I don't think we were representing any other interests, but if the advisory committee is going to continue, we have to make sure that there be more work done connecting the committee to tenant groups."

It may not be too late. The advisory committee could set about reforming the Landlord and Tenant Act next.

8:15 AM  

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